Legal notice
Frobeen adventure trips,
a brand of Frobeen Touristik GmbH
Hermann-Burstert-Weg 6
D-79219 Staufen im Breisgau
Phone: +49 (0) 7633-93 9 93 - 60
New from season 2025: Antarctica, pilot voyage from spring 2025! (
Frobeen Tourism GmbH,
Registration of the District Court of Freiburg i.Br. in the commercial register B 702199
Tax NR. 12179/31275
VAT ID no. DE233913469
Managing director: Christian Frobeen
insolvency insurance
It is a legal requirement that tour operators protect their customers in the event of bankruptcy. You will then be reimbursed for travel prices paid for which no services have yet been provided, as well as any additional costs for the return transport. We comply with this legal obligation. The customer money protection according to § 651 k BGB exists with us through the R + V Versicherung, Raiffeisenplatz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden, Tel: 0611-5335859. Questions should be directed to R + V. The legally required security certificate will be sent to you by email with the booking confirmation / invoice.
Frobeen Erlebnisreisen takes great care in compiling the content of this website and ensures that it is updated regularly. However, the information only serves as non-binding general information and is not a substitute for detailed individual advice.
Frobeen Erlebnisreisen does not accept any liability for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information on these pages or for uninterrupted access at all times. In the case of references (links) to third party websites, Frobeen Erlebnisreisen does not assume any responsibility for the content of the linked websites. By activating the link, you leave the information offered by Frobeen Erlebnisreisen. Different regulations may therefore apply to the offers of third parties, in particular with regard to data protection. Furthermore, Frobeen Erlebnisreisen excludes its liability for services, in particular when downloading files made available by Frobeen Erlebnisreisen on the Frobeen Erlebnisreisen website, for slightly negligent breaches of duty.
Privacy Policy
All personal data collected on the Frobeen Erlebnisreisen website is stored and processed exclusively for your individual support, the transmission of product information or the submission of service offers. Frobeen Erlebnisreisen guarantees that your information will be treated confidentially in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. You can find further information on data protection here
© Copyright 2023 Frobeen Travel Experience,
a brand of Frobeen Touristik GmbH
All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as their arrangement on the Frobeen Erlebnisreisen website are protected by copyright and other protective laws. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, changed or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some pages also contain images that are subject to third-party copyrights.
Regarding image rights: Numerous licensed images, e.g. from fotolia or I Stock Photos as well as from Antarctica21. The image rights have been purchased from the photo agencies by Frobeen Touristik GmbH.